Friday, March 6, 2015

The Site

Begini, karena baru membaca chuck saya jadi tertarik untuk membuat cerpen yang berkenaan dengan dark side manusia. platform yang saya gunakan adalah omegle. Tadinya, saya hendak membuat tulisan absurd tentang omegle dan hubungannya dengan espektasi utopis. Tak kunjung rampung, amburadul, saya coba pendekatan lain. Intinya saya ingin menegaskan potensi negatif dari omegle, ada yang bilang dramatis, tetapi saya tahu kasus-kasus yang benar-benar terjadi akibat situs ini.

The Site

The night still young. Its time to get to work.
You might think that im going to take night hospital shift, or going to bar, or studying for exam, but no.

I logged myself into most contemporary ‘legitimated’ site for talking to stranger.
You know what it is called. We know exactly why its so cheap place. Soft sexual predator around, bored people, innocent kids searching for friend ends up with pedophile, desperate and unemployed person trying to make sense their life by talking to someone they wouldn’t meet for the rest of their life, and yet people who trying to help another person to fulfill their own insignificant role in game of life.

Site: Talk to stranger!
(read: we dont care what sick fuck you guys talking about)

Talking about intimacy. Sexual fantasy, dirties secret, being a messiah, you name it.
And its all hypocrisy for several minutes. But not until i came.

By using right label, you might end up into some strange person. I used to have particular label to talk to right person. Most of the time, people are just fooling around with label, they use ‘suicide’ to take attention, and ‘help’ for the same reason. Sometimes people without label are most degenerate person around.

The best thing about this site, it offers you nothing to lose. You dont see each others face, when you feel unconfortable, just click disconnect, and you will never talk to same person again. This creates ilusion of safety, and safer people felt, easier for them to be open.

Unless, you knew that people on this site are not as much as they tell you, and its got a loophole that by fat chance allow you to talk to same person over and over. More specific your label, bigger chance.

Unless, you understand his/her pattern, and that’s what im good at. You might fool people by using different ASL, but your intention, order of question, your jokes, style of replying/greeting, and syntaxis you’re using, defines you. Im here with scrap of paper, and i know whom i talk to, is she 16, or 40 or even if she is he. Im capable to see trough you just after 10 minutes of talking. Its not psychological mindfuck, just 40 hour a week as bartender for few months.

Dont start with ASL. Natives always using worse sentence. Indian guys looking for hardcore sex. Redhead gives better impression. Local are more acceptable. Pseudo-intellectual geek are easier catch. Widower are smarter. These kind of socio-culture rule filling up my head and work intuitively as i surf for prey. They never tell this on law school.

And they say im cute, adorable, sexy, little gal.
Little they know i use photo of my late death neighborhood, which cute enough. Or my last week blackmailed victim, which i believe never getting into this site no more.

Photos are not enough to make people stay with you as long as possible, before injecting an idea, or an intention. You have to sell yourself. Sell the perfect image of person they wanted to talk to. Make them believe that you as needy as them. Trap them.

I used to aim for horny guys that looking for free sexchat. I create this image as perfect woman who willing to give blowjob on crowded train, make fake account before, and they buy it. After that, beetwen dirty session, i will reveal their insecurities, their dreams, their secret, and most important their identity.

I can’t cum without knowing your real name and/or seeing your face with dick in your hand.

Same case with girls.

Photo. Google. Social media account. Basic hacking. Instant blackmail.

Some people are clever, most of them stupid as mule, especially when they losing their mind over hardcore sex scenario. Give away few unpopular porn actress picture, or late victim’s as promo. Wait for their’s. Dont be too kind, or they would get away because they finished too fast.

Sometimes you don’t need their name. Just exchange email and promised to sent a photo because your phone unable to link picture into the site. Email as good as name nowadays, even its not their primary email, to find correspondent email are easy task. You cant imagine how much people willing to give their email rather than their name.

After that, its a piece of cake to destroy their life, or save them by calling their parents. Or wife.

Sometimes you dont even need dirty photo. By saving chat log and send them to their relatives, you have succeded creating prejudice between family. It might be not a clear evidence, but indication of a person (basic story, ASL, nickname, look-tell) combined by their dirty secret, are best ingredients of creating nasty ideas. You just wait for it, wait the idea growing. You cant expect someone to stab each other, but nothing would be the same after you suspect your wife been giving handjob to her student because he looked like young Jack Nicholson. 

Nothing will be the same. After you met me there.

4 email sent from my 3-days-delete account, 3 of them valued up to $300 blackmail letter. Cheating girlfriend, sexual offenders, pedophile, nymphomaniac nurse. Small fishes. One of them sent to Mr. Jenkins, which i attached the picture of her daughter and chat log explaining clearly where she hid her dildo and pregnancy test result.

The night is over. I want to tell you more, but i need to chase train for teaching. We might meet on the site, and we’ll talk. Just use label: Jack.

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